Aug 25, 2016


I woke in a slide of leaves. Stumbling to lift as if the world was holding on with hands decorated in passes of early morning. Each leaf color; the wide-palm orange or the slender fingers of red, each hue clung on to my shirt and jeans.

Then leaving as every sense came to.

For a moment forgetting how I came here, and why; I remember the wind shake with the peace of being awake before I began to clean away the dirt under my nails.

- Water - 

My first thought every morning.

"Never enough water."

If there were commandments for bands, that would be high up on it. Top 5 at least. 

I lifted myself with an unfamiliar bark, white and stripping, that sliced in my palm as I leaned. A sting barely registered on my mind. Blind to one focus. Never enough water - 

I moved towards the tents.  Where people waited again.

"And water."

Every one in the band was still asleep in the early morning. 

I found a pair of boots outside of one tent. A backpack. A set of woman's sneakers outside of another.

And finally sneaking behind the drummer's tent to an ice chest.
Pooled with melted ice, and leaves and a desperate beetle floating inside. 

Somehow had trapped itself in the shelter of empty ice bag. Scooping out the beetle that flinched in my hand, twisting wildly on the ground as I set to washing my hands and face in the cold. 

And finding underneath a heaven in plastic. A rush so cold it stung my throat as the bottle of water emptied away.

I do this thing I learned from my father. Every time.  Literally crushing water bottles, so they take up less space in the trash. It's habit now. 

So in under a minute when the water is gone and I crush the bottle as tight as I can. The bottle pushed back against my hand,  against the cut from the tree.

And I bled with the condensation in drops, fell pink to the dirt. To the leaves fading.

My palm just under the left thumb. I carried this scar with me for a while. During the next few shows after, I felt it sting when I played and twisted my hand a certain way. 

It stayed.

That night stayed.

And even in these words the night stays.

No you don't have to be big or devastating to leave an impact. To make an impression on someone they can remember.  

From you. 

On some different day.  

When they remember a night in the woods.


ps. as always like, share, subscribe and if you want to talk you can reach me on this blog, youtubefacebook and twitter

mood: Fluff

Aug 11, 2016

A Window To A Dream

I'm getting closer to the stage. Everyday. This vision of what this new show will look like comes back to me. Imagining what it will feel like to me. Or you....

Surrounding ourselves in this new idea of Idyll Green. Performing a new identity.

What it will say...

In every band I've had a different identity. Changing with the needs of the show. Like a new job, or moving to a new city. Playing new music can shape me, and my approach to playing. It's a little bit schizophrenic but I can't do it any other way. I can't embody the changes in songs with out allowing myself to be affected by it.  I can't just do the same thing every time. It's not truthful for me. And I think  the only good performances are truthful to the performer.

So this show is no different. And with out giving too much, it is very, very different than anything my brothers and I have done before. 

More than a concert, I want the show to be an expression of itself, informed by the music, but speaking in it's own language. Of  visuals and emotions. 

Each movement, we've thought, tells of places we've been. And things we've done, and how we felt. Again and for the first time. 

A window to a dream.

In all strangeness. The fragments bring us closer to the living world. Closer to ourselves. Or that is the hope I hold.

We saw an opportunity with these songs to give not just a regular performance. But exploring the possibility of what we can do. 

Showing us fears we hide. Expectations we avoid. Or perhaps even more terrifying, the joys we never pursue.

Until then it is more planning. More dreaming. 

A quick question or thought... if you could hit reset and set up your life, or job in a new way, how would you change. If today was day 1? If you knew everything you knew but could redesign your life? How would you? Let me know.

till then


ps. as always like, share, subscribe and if you want to talk you can reach me on this blog, youtubefacebook and twitter

mood: a day in the life

Aug 5, 2016

Another Week Of Ups

This week is big for me.


4 wonderful years with my wife. Who I still love, stronger than ever in fact. I couldn't ask for a better partner and friend. I'd be a wreck with out her.


I'm turning a milestone year I guess. I'm just happy that I feel as well as I do. The accident still affects me all the time. But that hasn't fully dampened my spirit. 

There is so much more happening with the band. I just want to put out to the universe my gratitude for a life as strange and fun as the one I have.

I will try not to take that for granted.

much love

ps. as always like, share, subscribe and if you want to talk you can reach me on this blog, youtubefacebook and twitter
